Philadelphia Renaissance is a 2019 report by Campus Philly that uses economic impact data along with interviews from college students and recent grads to show how the increasing number of college graduates is having a positive impact in the Philadelphia Region.

Goal: Combine data and narrative elements in a report that tells a compelling story about the economic effects of regional talent retention.
Challenge: Strike the right balance between hard evidence and story telling. Give the readers enough data to show large-scale trends. Also, give readers the perspectives of unique individuals that are a part of these trends. Readers will stay more engaged if they are made aware of how the trends are affecting real people.

Data visualizations are clear and concise throughout the report. They are put into context by an economic development story that builds in each section.

Statistical evidence is made more relatable on a personal level as readers learn about specific students who benefited from choosing to live and work in Philadelphia after graduation.
To see more reports I designed at Campus Philly, click here